Mosquito Made
Walnut Bowl
Walnut Bowl
A nice deep Walnut bowl, finished with Howard's Butcher Block Conditioner.
This bowl was turned from a large chunk of a walnut log. The full lock was around 25" in diameter, and was part of a local neighborhood tree that was cut down a few houses down the block from me. My neighbor saved the log and offered it to me after he decided they didn't have a use for it like he thought.
This bowl was finish turned when the wood was still somewhat wet. This results in the wood naturally moving a little as it dries out. As a result, bowls turned this way may not sit completely flat on a hard surface, as the wood warps when it dries out.
It is about 8” overall diameter, and 4.5” overall height. The bowl portion is 7.25” diameter, and 3.75” deep on the taller ends.
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